Liftvrac conveyor applications in the food industry

The Liftvrac conveyor was designed specifically for the challenges of handling fragile and sticky products. in the food industry, here are some examples.


This is the industrial application that got the Liftvrac design process started. The many different types of cheese handled in the industry includes grated cheese, crumbled products like feta as well as different shapes such as cubed cheese.

Liftvrac's founder created the first products for cheese production lines and now the conveyor is widely used throughout the dairy industry.

The video shows how well the device works with both feta and grated cheese products.


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Fruit is notoriously difficult to handle without spoiling it. Fresh, cooked and frozen products all require extremely gentle handling to prevent bruising or crushing the fruit.

Liftvrac's smooth belt envelopes the product and lifts it without compressing it as demonstrated with the next video where we are conveying whole grapes.


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As with fruit, many vegetables present similar problems - damaging the product is a major risk with any material handling system.

The next video demonstrates how even delicate leaf like products such as baby spinach can be moved and elevated with the smooth, curved belt design.


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Meat Products

Many meat products such as diced ham, bacon lardons, cubed or minced meats, are more robust than fruit or vegetables. But they may have their own handling characteristics that make them a challenge, such as being sticky or frozen.

Hygiene is always important in the food industry and particularly with meat based items. Liftvrac's hygienic design makes it ideal for the sector and it is widely used.

This video shows multiple applications such as feeding various materials to a multi-weigh packing unit.


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Contact Us

The Liftvrac conveyor system is not as widely used as other forms of conveyor but can provide a hygienic and cost effective solution to many difficult materials handling problems.

If you would like to discuss your application, we would be happy to help, so please drop us a line via our contact page.